Greetings Friends,

We would like to thank you for participating in our personal care and coat drive this year. Please keep in mind that even though the drive is over you can still donate. It’s Fall in Chicago; we still have a long winter to look forward to. Many families have and will continue to benefit from your generosity. Just inbox or email me at

As a matter of fact, we delivered coats to an organization today that provides transitional housing for homeless families and individuals. We were greeted by a beautiful little girl with a very bright smile. Her eyes lit up and her smile became wider when she saw a new coat with her name on it. She asked, “did we buy all of the coats.” I told her we had a lot of help from very special friends. The sparkle and smile remained as she said a very gracious “thank you.” My heart melted.

In addition, may God bless you as you continue to bless others. From our family to yours, please have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

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